About GLNA

GLNA Board

President Christopher Robinette
Vice-President Meade Van Wyck
Treasurer Joshua Weaver
Secretary Amanda Johnson

Sheri Jordan
Rew Van Wyke
Peter Schauland
Steven Czachura
Clarice Collins

Geist Landing

Frequently Asked Questions

 Trash is picked up on Wednesdays. Please have your trash container at the curb by 7AM. Trash container wheels should be curbside so the truck arm can safely pick-up the container and empty it in to the truck. Trash is not accepted outside of the 96 Gallon container except on heavy trash days. Heavy trash is the third full week of the month. More information can be found at the Indy.gov trash website.

Looking for Meeting Minutes or other Documents?

Check out our document library to find all the pertinent records and information for GLNA.